Friday, 21 September 2007

Monthly visit to Brisbane Consultants

That month goes so fast. I have just returned from Brisbane on Wednesday. All my blood and urine tests are done a week before we go down. They were all good. Well good for me anyway nothing drastic. No change in the prednisone dose. Still 3mg. Renal results, back up to 65% function, two weeks before had dropped to 40%. Seems that I need to drink more water as dehydrating can affect the results apparently. I now have to do these tests every two weeks and have the results sent to Brisbane.

The only problem at the moment is my weight loss. I have been eating anything and everything but I lost another 1.5 kg. I now weigh 59kg. Last month I lost 6.5kg I am 178cm tall. I really need to buy some new clothes and they are all to big. Even taking prednisone this is happening. My main consultant that manages me is making a booking for me to have a camera down my throat just to check and see if anything is happening. He said they will probably find nothing but they have to check it. I am the unknown. Maybe I am meant to be this skinny. Some of my friends are calling me rag. I just hang there.

Other than that it was a good result. They are also talking about after the next one then maybe only seeing them every two months. I hope so. I know I am costing my family heaps and all the time I have off work must be hard on my boss. I am not exactly what you can call reliable. So next visit to Brisbane is depending on a letter about that camera test when it can be done and they will book consultant appointments for the same time.

In the meantime I have been enjoying the warmer weather and swimming at the beach. I haven't been swimming for so long. A sh## bag hanging off you guts isn't the best. I am so glad that it is gone. I had a dream the other night that it was still there. Actually it was a nightmare.

Well I am off to bed. There is a whole new day tomorrow and i have some plans to enjoy it.

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