Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Thought I would try to upload a video

I was just mucking around and saw that you can upload videos. So I thought I would give it a try. I have not got any recent ones because the video camera I got for my birthday last month got stolen and I only had it for two weeks. I wish the people who stole it would give it back.

This is a video of me fishing back in the beginning of the year. We were having fun catching sharks.

I have been eating heaps. Also going to work everyday since I got back from Brisbane. I went to a 4WD day on the weekend. Missed my video camera, could have showed here what we watched. It was Exteme Competition.


pamponders.com said...

Hi Trev, great to see you enjoying yourself, wish I could join you!!!
When you mentioned 'retiring' on Dorky's I imagined that you were in my age group.Sorry to read of your illness, but you seem to have a pretty positive outlook on life. If ever you have nothing better to do drop me a note at pam@pamponders.com.

pp said...

Excited !!!
I love fishing too..
Si ya