Sunday, 15 July 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Since I last posted things have been going OK. Except last Monday, I ended up with a headache and came home from work and went to bed. By late the next day I was fine. The weather here has been cold so I am thinking maybe it is because the plate in my head get cold and that starts it. I really don't know.

I had a great weekend though. This weekend has been OK so far. I only have just over a week to got until my drivers test. I can't wait. But I am having my birthday in hospital having that angiogram. How lame is that! We have tickets to fly home on Friday, so I am sure hopeing that everything is OK and we do. I will be really pPPPP off if this doesn't happen. I have been waiting forever for this day. My freedom.

Off to Brisbane on Tuesday, fingers crossed they don't find anything.

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