Well I am finally updating my blog .. iv been oh so slack ha ha so much to say ... any ways whats happened since i last posted .. A LOT! and not all is good news .. well as it turned out my Wegner's came back for another little stint .. it attacked my kidneys causing me end stage renal failure .. and now I am on Dialysis 3 days a week and as our town does not have dialysis i travel 220klm round trip every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday its very hard to get there and back and Really frustrates me because Gladstone .. where i live is growing really fast we have a hospital and we have many dialysis patients but still no dialysis unit here i have set out on my own little adventure to try and bring Gladstone Dialysis .. here is the link its only on facebook so far . Trev's campaign
.. Please take the time to have a look at this and support us
.. any way back to telling you all whats happen
on a better note i got to go to the Summer Nationals in Canberra with my dad i have all ways wanted to go and it was a pretty big job organizing dialysis in Canberra but mum sorted that out and it was not to much trouble for me i all-so have some pictures from there . on here Big Day Out on the Gold Coast i was suppost to stay on the coast ( the picture top left ) but i was sick in hospital and i got an infection in my per-ma cath lines and they kept me in and gave me a day pass for big day out. :) i had a blast and got to spend bulk time with Louisa shes a really close friend to me she means alot to me as-well. :) but even out of hospital i managed to end up in the medical tent ( The picture top Right ) .. my dressing fell off my per-ma cath wound and louisa was freaking out about it humm .
so much more to say but so little time to wright ill add to this asap .. :) Thanks for taking the time to read my Blog
1 comment:
Hi Trevor - keep your blogs coming - hope to see you soon
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