I have been back to Brisbane for my monthly visit. LOL I really wish I did not have to do this, but, if I don't who knows what will happen. I haven't been that well since my last hospital stay a couple of weeks ago. But when we arrived in Brisbane last Sunday, I nearly vomited in the taxi, luckily they pulled over when I asked, as I fertilized a garden before getting to Ronald McDonald House where the friendly staff was waiting for us. After showing us to our room, I went to bed feeling nauseous with a headache. I woke a couple of times during the night but by morning was OK.
We did our usual visits to the consultants, but this time I had to see the renal consultant, my kidneys are doing weird things again. Too much protein by heaps and rising on previous tests. So more tablets to take and more blood tests. Back to my main consultant, not happy about the headaches and vomiting. Was thinking about keeping me there, but really did not want to as I seemed OK. plus all the blood tests were OK. They have had the CT scan sent down and are going to review it and mum is to let them know if I get sick again. But so far so good. I have had a headache since, but not too bad. I don't know what is going on with me.
I never did get to upload those photos, but I might have a go this time. I have never done this before. I mainly play online games on the computer. I met so many people from all over the world. But when I go to Brisbane, I have to play my xbox as I don't have adsl or a computer with me. I have been on the internet cafe, but you can only open one window at a time and the time goes so fast. Two dollars for 20 minutes. I am used to being on it for hours, and the time goes so fast. I would love to have access to free broadband with my own computer, but that is not possible. I hear over at the Children Hospital they have internet access, but when I am admitted I am in the Royal Brisbane. I also can't have my xbox in hospital as the TV system you have to pay for and there are no access points for it. Sucks.
I have been doing some fishing the last few weekends. One day I will catch a barra. one day.
This is where I go fishing for barra, but I have not caught one yet. But I will keep trying.
Here it is another week gone. At least this weekend I feel much better. I worked all week last week just to be in hospital for the weekend. I had a headache and vomiting. By lunch time I could not handle it any more. Everytime I moved, I was sick. But I was admitted at our local hospital under, I think, instructions from my doctors in Brisbane. A CT scan was done, chest x-rays, blood tests. Then attached to a drip yet again and up to a ward in the hospital. By late that night I was feel much better, and apparently all the tests showed that everything was OK. Maybe it was a 24 hour bug, don't know. But I felt like s##t. I was let out on Sunday night. But my parents would not let me go to work on Monday. Ah well you get that. So I milled around home all day Monday annoying my father. LOL But I went to work the rest of the week.Mum just reminded me that next weekend we are off to Brisbane again. Blood tests to be done this Monday. I means that I have to squeese heaps of things in this weekend. It is raining at the moment, so I thought I would catch up on this. Suns out already, we didn't get much.