The visit to my consultant was all good news. Well mostly, except that I will probably have to have Vitamin B12 injections every 3 months for the rest of my life. Oh well, you get that I suppose. But all other tests looked good. That is a relief. But more medication changes. I also have to return on 12th November. I won't be long and that visit will be here. Just a few things I have to do, one is getting my fitness up. I don't know how I am going to do that, I go all day every day doing things I want to do, and exerciseing is just not me. But I will see what I can do.
I stayed at Ronald McDonald House in Brisbane. It is right beside the hospital, so nice and handy. I guess I am a bit embarrast about how I look, but the staff at the house know me and I don't feel so bad. They remember how I used to look a few months back. (Better than now)

Anyway, I usually play me xbox, not much else to do, everything in cities costs money, so we did go shopping, mainly for some clothes as mine are too small. Mum got me some new boardies and shirts, at least now I can do them up properly. Everytime we go to the house, we are playing a game, which room will we get this time. Mum and Dad have been in quite a few of them now LOL, but the room we had was great, but the TV was an old one and didn't have the connections for my xbox

But I have an elderly friend who has been raising money for the House, and he gave me $210 to take down and donate. I felt really good about that, they really need the money. All the cash donations given there are spent there, so to me that is great. I was so excited to do it. Hopefully there will be a bigger donation next month when I go down, but I was told not to get This is really exciting for him, he is just as wrapped as me. We would really love to make a difference for the people who use this place, including me and my family. You see early next year I will have to go back into hospital, I hope not before then, but I want to get this s##t bag off. It is so frustrating, now with summer coming, I usually love to swim, but too embarressing for me. Some people look at me like I am Herman Munster, you know with the bolts through his neck and a big scar on his head. I don't have the bolts but I have the scar.
I will blog again when I wish to talk to myself again. Actually one day I will look back at this is laugh. Well maybe not me, but someone will get a laugh out of it. At least I would have left some sort of impression on the web, as I am only a speck in the worldly scheme of things. LOL