Well here i am again Finding myself in Brisbane Hospital yet AGAIN.
It's another infection of some sort related to the Perma'Cath i have in my chest for dialysis
none of this would have happen had the surgeon from Brisbane hurried up and done my fistula
but hey beggars cant be choosers hopefully i will get it done soon :) and get this infection cleared up asap..
On a Much better note i got a girlfriend ( LOUISA ) aka Cake Ass .She is very supportive and Pretty he-he ill upload some picks ^^ from new years in Rockhampton had heaps of fun that night..
And together with the help of my mother we have launched a campaign to get Dialysis in Gladstone
here is the web address if you are interested in helping us www.TrevZplace.com . We also have T-Shirts available SOON.. And we..... Well Louisa recently attended the Local calliope football match with our banners and shirts and petitions and managed to get Approximately 550 Signatures Thankyou heaps Louisa/Jodie/and others :). I cudent make it because i was being flown via RFDS to Brisbane because of this infection . any way for more info on upcoming events go to my website.. heres some pictures from the event.